Speaking & Training
Wow your audience with in-depth digital marketing training that not only inspires, but sparks real change in your team. Book Jessica to speak at your next event.
Featured Topics
LinkedIn for Client Development Training Program
AI Marketing for Law Firms
Storytelling in Digital Marketing
Video Marketing for Lawyers and Law Firms
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Upcoming & Past Topics
AI in Law Firm Marketing: How to Do More with Less Using AI
Date: September 14, 2023 | Time: 1:00-2:00 PM CT
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been steadily revolutionizing various industries, and the legal sector is no exception. The advent of AI in law firm marketing is not only changing the way firms operate but also redefining their marketing strategies. Consequently, law firm marketers must adapt to these new technologies to stay ahead of the competition. In this one-hour workshop, Jessica Aries will walk through how legal marketers can use free AI tools to streamline their marketing communications efforts and better leverage the data they already have to improve their marketing communications and digital marketing efforts.
*BONUS: AI wrote this session description.
- Learn how to use AI to create personalized messaging for potential and existing clients to enhance client engagement and tailor relevant content to your audience;
- Gain insight on how to read the data you already have at your disposal using AI to examine social media interactions, client reviews, and gauge overall sentiment toward your brand your firm;
- Automate more of your communications using AI to streamline your digital marketing efforts by automating the process of segmenting contacts, personalizing content, and scheduling deliveries;
- Leverage the power of AI to craft better social media content that is shared automagically at the optimal times for improved engagement.
About the Conference
LMA Southwest Regional Conference
Date(s): September 13-15, 2023 | Time(s):
"Rollin’ on the River: Composing Our New Rhythm" will bring together over 100 legal marketing and business development professionals in the Big Easy for a workshop-style conference. Attendees will take away skills and tools that deliver an immediate impact in their day-to-day functions in the areas of:
Business Development
Business of Law
Client Services
Marketing Management and Leadership
Technology Management
Project Success - Effective Ways to Communicate with Influence
Date: August 22, 2023 | Time: 11:00 AM ET
Everyone wants an influential relationship with their colleagues, but it can be difficult to effectively build and navigate the bridges that will help you to get the results you want. Once developed, the skill of communicating with influence will positively impact your work and projects. This session will focus on building rapport, gaining trust and using those to achieve your business goals with peers, vendors, or key management.
About the Conference
ILTACon 2024
Date(s): August 20-24, 2024 | Time(s):
ILTACON is a 4.5 day conference with comprehensive peer-driven programs, educational content, and face-to-face networking. Industry experts and the legal community collaborate to discover and evolve successful legal operation strategies for today’s transforming legal industry.
Session 101: The Tiny Touch Points that Lead to BD Success
Date: June 27, 2023 | Time: 12:00 PNM CT
In this 1-hour discussion, Jessica Aries, J.D./LL.M. will cover how law firm marketers and business development professionals can support and encourage lawyers within their firms to intentionally create business development opportunities through tiny touch points and interactions.
- Get clear on the difference between marketing and BD within law firms and understand their overlap;
- Uncover how to better support and leverage business development initiatives to enhance business development relationships;
- Identify how to leverage systems and processes to make your job easier and your attorneys’ more successful at BD; and
- Learn how to define what success looks like for BD and how to measure your results.
About the Conference
LMA 2023 Virtual BD Bootcamp Series
Date(s): June 27-September 5, 2023 | Time(s):
Join us for a Virtual Summer Series BD Bootcamp. This series will build on your knowledge of business development tactics, teach you steps to seamlessly integrate laterals partners into your firm, explore ways lawyers can connect with clients during uncertain times, and end with a final Exam to put your BD knowledge to the test with a GC panel of experts. This exciting virtual summer program will take place on June 27, July 11, August 1, and September 5. We hope to see you online this summer for this virtual series!
How Law Firms Can Use Video Effectively & Strategically in 2023
Date: April 26, 2023 | Time: 10 AM EST
More law firms are trying their hand at video, some better than others. In this session, Rob Kates, Executive Producer at Kates Media, and Jessica Aries, J.D./LL.M., Digital Marketing Strategist & Consultant at By Aries will bring together data from their latest original research along with law firm leaders and client perspectives to discuss how firms of all sizes and types can more strategically use YouTube and video marketing to build brand awareness, generate visibility, and deepen relationships with existing and prospective clients.
Law firms are investing more energy now than ever in video marketing, but not all are doing it successfully. In this deep dive session, we will explore how to use video marketing more strategically and how law firms can use YouTube, the #2 search engine in the world more strategically.
- Master how to build video marketing strategies that set your firm apart and generate visibility for your firm’s services.
- Gain insight into what clients care about and how to better build video content that gets their attention.
- Learn how to generate buy-in with your law firm leadership to launch your first video campaign.
About the Conference
2023 LMA Annual Conference
Date(s): April 24-26, 2023 | Time(s): All Day
The largest global meeting for legal marketing and business development professionals.
2022 Law Firm Marketing & Business Development Trends
Date: March 14, 2023 | Time: 11:00 AM CT
ALM | Law.com Compass has partnered with Society 54 and By Aries to study the latest trends in law firm marketing and business development, and they’re bringing you the answers to the hardest-hitting questions that impact your firm and your future.
Join this panel of experts for this complimentary webinar as they dive into the data aggregated from the recently released Law Firm Marketing and Business Development Survey and discuss:
- How do you compete with a Big Law presence?
- Should your law firm outsource to a business development group or digital marketing agency?
- Do you have enough professionals for your business development and law firm marketing efforts?
- How can you reach more prospective clients via business development and online marketing in the future?
- How do you decide on essential strategies in your marketing and business development departments?
Attend this Event
Workshop: Brand, Network, Connections: How to use social media to advance your career
Date: October 26, 2022 | Time: 2:20-3:10 PM PT
In this interactive exercise, hear from two lawyers who have developed their brand online and participate in a hands-on workshop with leading social media and brand strategist to develop your brand, network, and connect to expand your community online.
About the Conference
ChIPs NextGen Summit
Date(s): October 26, 2022 | Time(s): 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM PT
The 2022 ChIPs NextGen Summit is an empowering program for female lawyers in the first 15 years of their career. The content is geared specifically for the next generation of leaders in tech, law and policy.
Special thanks to the NextGen Co-Chairs and Committee, and our partners.
Expand Your Network by Empowering Your Digital Presence
Date: October 20, 2022 | Time: 11:00-12:00 PM PT
In this 1-hour seminar, we will explore how professional women can prepare for a conference like NextGen strategically. We’ll discuss the importance of cleaning up your digital brand, preparing your self-story, and getting clear on your goals at the conference, so you can achieve success and feel ready to expand your network, grow your influence, and build lasting relationships.
- Discover how to prepare your digital self for your NextGen, so you’re easy to find, connect with, and continue the conversation with.
- Learn how to prepare the perfect self-story that helps you build connection and rapport without feeling like you’re forcing conversation.
- Identify the key goals you have for the conference, so you can start creating opportunities, discovering new connections, and building relationships before the conference even begins.
Attend this Event
Storytelling in Digital Marketing for Law Firms
Date: October 13, 2022 | Time: 4:00 PM CT
It's commonly known that people buy from those they "know, like, and trust". It means that clients want to do business with other people - not firms. Story is a powerful connector and allows your lawyers to connect authentically with their clients when done correctly. In this session, we will walk through how to use storytelling as a marketing tool in a digital format.
- Understand why storytelling is a powerful method for conveying your marketing message
- Avoid common pitfalls marketers make when telling stories in a digital format
- Learn how to develop a digital marketing story that compels and makes your key target market feel heard; and
- Develop a plan for making storytelling part of your firm's marketing strategy
About the Conference
LMASW Regional Conference 2022
Date(s): October 11-13, 2022 | Time(s):
This year's 2022 LMASW Regional Conference. "The Great Refresh: Navigating New Frontiers," focuses on the future of the legal marketing industry and new frontiers in the areas of:
• Business Development
• Business of Law
• Client Services
• Communications
• Marketing Management and Leadership
• Technology Management
With the legal industry at a crossroads amid calls to return to the office, increased burnout, and unprecedented competition over hiring, this year's workshop-driven conference will provide the tools legal marketing and business development professionals need to help navigate the new frontier and shape the future.
This interactive, workshop-driven conference will be comprised of educational sessions that address current trends and future innovations in legal marketing through hands-on learning and real-world application.
We look forward to seeing you in Dallas at #LMASW22!
Building Better Content: How to use psychology to turn your audience into buyers
Date: May 31, 2022 | Time: 2:00 PM ET / 1:00 PM CT
We all know those brands that just seem to be so successful it's baffling. Everything they sell flies off their shelves and they can't seem to keep up with demand. It can seem like some sort of voodoo magic, but what they are doing is actually science. These brands are using sales psychology and marketing psychology to attract, nurture, and retain their customers. Contrary to how it may sound, you don’t need a fancy degree or study years of marketing to employ the same tactics and strategies. In this 60-minute training, I’ll show you how it’s done and how you can apply many of the same tactics to your marketing efforts.
- Learn how to apply psychology to your sales funnel
- Discover what motivates buyers to buy
- Utilize your buyer’s motivators to increase your sales
- Uncover why psychological marketing needs to be used responsibly
- Activate your new marketing sales strategy
Attend this Event
Appreciating Your Uniqueness and Marketing
Date: November 10, 2021 | Time: 10:00-17:30 ET
In this hour long session we will identify how to determine your unique differentiators and leverage them for LinkedIn. In this hour long workshop, you'll learn to build your brand with industry focused content and strategic outreach.
- Discover the magic formula for writing content that gets you noticed.
- Develop the skills to curate content interesting to your audience using hashtag research.
- Leverage hashtags strategically to help give visibility to your content, so it gets more views and comments.
- Learn how to build connections authentically with a comment strategy.
- Discover a better way to do social media so you don’t burn out while trying to build up your professional career path.
About the Conference
ILTA Tech Women Who Lead Series - November in Florida
Date(s): November 10, 2021 | Time(s):
Each event will offer career-enriching education as well as authentic small-group networking. Closing sessions will highlight the featured city with activities such as cooking demonstrations, music and virtual tours.
Don't miss a minute of the complete Women Who Lead 2021 Roadshow Series! Each roadshow event's content will build upon previous sessions, taking you on an exciting leadership and (virtual) networking journey throughout the Southeastern United States.