We've been making the case for video marketing for a while and are even more committed to the cause after this year's Legal...
Law Firm Video: How to Build the Best Youtube Channel
As video has become an integral part of the online experience, YouTube has become the number one channel for anyone wanting...
Video Marketing for Lawyers | Tips for Improving Law Firm Video Marketing
"Hey! Our Partners are finally on board with creating law firm videos!"We’ve recently experienced an influx of attorneys...
LinkedIn for Lawyers: 10 Examples of Lawyers Doing Social Media Marketing on LinkedIn Like Pros
Your job as a lawyer requires a strong communicative ability and presence in professional writing, in court, and also... on...
LinkedIn for Lawyers | How to build the perfect profile in 6 simple steps
LinkedIn is one of the most significant business development and professional networking tools for lawyers. But many...
Personal Branding for Lawyers | 4 Attorney Branding Tips to Elevate Law Firm Branding
It's almost 2023, and your client base wants to know who you are on a deeper level...
Video Marketing for Lawyers | How to Get Started with Video Marketing
"A change would do you good" isn't just a timeless sentiment shared in an iconic song from musician Sheryl Crow. It's a...
Law Firm Marketing and Business Development Trends | Strength in How You Structure
You can probably throw a rock and hit an article, opinion piece, or social post about the ways to strengthen your law...
Legal Marketing: How Big Law Does It & How You Can Too
So you want to catch a whale of a client, huh? Don't we all. https://media.giphy.com/media/tIk1NLkHzKYBboNhnO/giphy.mp4...
Law Firm Marketing Trends to Try If Your Firm Wants to Cut Costs and Save Marketing Spend
Many legal marketers and marketing consultants incorrectly correlate new marketing trends with an increased marketing...