Thriving in Law Firm Marketing: Skills and Attributes of a Great Legal Marketer in 2024

Thriving in Law Firm Marketing: Skills and Attributes of a Great Legal Marketer in 2024

February 22, 2024

It’s 2024, and nearly every process we know and rely upon has changed or is in a state of change. Legal marketing is no different.

As the dynamics change, so do the skills and attributes required to be successful in marketing activities. GrowthPlay‘s Alycia Sutor‘s insightful statement, “The skills that got us to where we are, won’t be the skills that get us to where we need to be,” resonates deeply with us and inspired us to apply this thought to marketing efforts – because great leaders and team members that law firms seek out and rely upon to build a law firm’s brand and execute marketing strategies aren’t born. They’re developed.

So let’s delve into the qualities that define a great legal marketer in 2024, with a focus on resourcefulness, claiming professional space, curiosity, project management, and embracing failure as a part of growth that culminates and allows professionals to become their law firm’s most powerful marketing tool.

Uncovering the Missing Pieces in Your Law Firm Marketing Plan: Resourcefulness

In the legal marketing realm, resourcefulness has become a cornerstone attribute. Legal marketers often find themselves navigating through the complexities of law firms, extracting valuable information from time-strapped lawyers, legal assistants, and practice group leaders. Being willing to go the extra mile, from reading legal literature crucial to understanding terminology, and having the humility to seek expert guidance when needed, defines a great legal marketer.

Uncovering the Missing Pieces in Your Law Firm Marketing Plan: Resourcefulness

In the pursuit of professional growth and development (and most everything, if we’re being honest) taking actionable steps is the only way to progress, especially when it comes to goals that may not feel measurable, such as being more resourceful.

We’v explained why resourcefulness should be part of your law firm’s marketing strategy before, and now we’re sharing 5 actionable steps to improve your law firm’s marketing efforts with increased resourcefulness:

  1. Forge Strong Relationships: Cultivate connections with lawyers, legal assistants, and practice group leaders to facilitate open communication and collaboration. Establishing rapport makes it easier to extract valuable insights and information.

    Your relationships with these professionals is a living thing, not a box you check. It takes continuous effort.
  2. Embrace Continuous Learning: Stay updated on legal literature and terminology to enhance your understanding of the industry. Invest time in self-education to broaden your knowledge base and better navigate the intricacies of law firm marketing. This is a great step to combine with forging strong relationships with the attorneys in your law firm. Showing interest in understanding their niche practices or client alerts allows you to learn and strengthen those bonds.
  3. Leverage Technology: Digital marketing is no longer an option, but an imperative. Utilize digital tools and resources to streamline information-gathering processes. From online research databases to communication platforms, technology can expedite data collection and facilitate collaboration.
  4. Seek Mentorship and Guidance: Don’t hesitate to seek guidance from subject matter experts or experienced professionals within and outside your organization. Embrace humility and recognize when expert advice can enhance your marketing strategies.

    Some of our most impactful professional bonds, opportunities, and clients have come from our involvement in the Legal Marketing Association. Get out there and connect with your community – you’ll be amazed but what can come of it, both professionally and personally.
  5. Think Outside the Box: Be creative and innovative in your approach to problem-solving in your marketing strategies. Explore unconventional avenues for obtaining information and insights, such as attending legal seminars, networking events, or engaging in industry forums. Embracing a proactive and resourceful mindset will set you apart as a standout legal marketer.

Claiming Professional Space: Marketers as Business Professionals

The legal marketers of tomorrow must be unyielding in claiming their space as business professionals within the legal industry. In a field where lawyers may appear intimidating, the shift from being a task taker to a strategic business advisor becomes paramount if you want to successfully implement and execute law firm marketing strategies that reach prospective clients. Marketers need to be comfortable pushing back and asserting their value, ultimately influencing business strategy discussions and securing a seat at the table.

Claiming Professional Space: Marketers as Business Professionals

Not sure how to stake your claim within your firm or department? We’re back in action with more steps that make a difference:

  1. Position Yourself as a Strategic Partner: Actively position yourself as a strategic partner within your firm by demonstrating a deep understanding of both legal and business aspects. Engage in conversations about business strategy, showcasing how your marketing expertise can contribute to achieving firm objectives.
  2. Build Credibility through Expertise: Continuously invest in expanding your knowledge and expertise in legal marketing and broader business concepts. By becoming a subject matter expert, you enhance your credibility and confidence when engaging with lawyers and firm leadership.
  3. Initiate Collaboration: Proactively seek opportunities to collaborate with lawyers and other key leaders on marketing initiatives. Offer insights, propose innovative ideas, and actively contribute to discussions, demonstrating your value as a collaborative partner rather than just a service provider.
  4. Advocate for Your Ideas: Don’t hesitate to advocate for your ideas and strategies, even in the face of resistance or skepticism. Articulate the rationale behind your proposals, backed by data and industry insights, to showcase the validity and potential impact of your contributions.
  5. Establish Boundaries and Assert Professional Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries regarding your role and responsibilities as a legal marketer, and assert these boundaries confidently. Communicate your expertise and value proposition effectively, ensuring that your contributions are recognized and respected within the firm hierarchy.

Curiosity: The Power of Asking “Why”

Curiosity: The Power of Asking "Why"

Curiosity is the driving force behind a great legal marketer. The ability to consistently ask “why” helps uncover the underlying motivations and assumptions within a law firm marketing strategy. By questioning decisions, lawyers, and clients, marketers gain a clearer understanding of the firm’s dynamics and goals. Embracing the power of “why” positions marketers as invaluable contributors to strategic decision-making.

5 Actionable Steps to Increase Curiosity that Strengthens Your Law Firm Marketing Strategies

Speaking up and questioning the status quo might go against everything you’ve been taught, but it’s how we achieve progress, streamline inefficiencies, and build stronger professional relationships. Here are 5 ways to professionally implement the “but y tho” mentality for your benefit.

  1. Challenge Assumptions: Actively challenge assumptions and preconceived notions by asking probing questions during meetings, brainstorming sessions, or strategy discussions. An excited attitude helps turn your questions from Debbie Downer to Strategic Sally. Encourage colleagues to rethink their perspectives and consider alternative viewpoints, fostering a culture of critical thinking and exploration.
  2. Seek Deeper Understanding: Prioritize seeking a deeper understanding of the motivations and intentions behind decisions made within the firm. Engage in conversations with lawyers, clients, and other leaders to uncover underlying drivers and objectives, allowing for more informed and strategic marketing tactics.
  3. Facilitate Open Dialogue: Create opportunities for open dialogue and discussion by organizing forums, workshops, or informal gatherings focused on exploring the “why” behind various decisions and strategies. Encourage participation from diverse perspectives to stimulate innovative thinking and collaborative problem-solving. Think tanks don’t have to be grand or formal. Thought leadership can happen in small spaces, and even over Zoom!
  4. Utilize Data and Insights: Harness data and insights to support your curiosity-driven inquiries and validate hypotheses. Analyze market trends, client feedback, and performance metrics to identify patterns, correlations, and opportunities for improvement, guiding informed decision-making processes in your firm’s marketing strategies.
  5. Continuous Learning and Development: Cultivate a mindset of continuous learning and development by actively seeking out new knowledge and expanding your skill set. Stay informed about emerging trends, industry best practices, and cutting-edge technologies relevant to your marketing campaigns, empowering you to ask more insightful and impactful questions. Being known as a curious and lifelong learner will not only boost your understanding but also your professional standing amongst attorneys.

Project Management Excellence: Meeting Lawyer Expectations

Managing the expectations of lawyers, notorious for being tough to please, requires strong project management and execution skills. The best legal marketers excel in organizing, prioritizing, and executing flawlessly. Beyond individual tasks, they communicate effectively with leaders, ensuring a seamless flow of information while meeting deadlines in a dynamic legal environment.

We always say legal marketers wear many hats, and project manager is one of them. But what if that’s not your strong suit? We’ve got you covered.

Project Management Excellence: Meeting Lawyer Expectations

5 Actionable Steps to Strengthen Project Management Skills in Your Marketing Methods

  1. Implement Clear Project Planning: Time is everything in industries that bill hourly, and there is NO time to waste if you want buy-in from attorneys on your law firm marketing plan. Begin by thoroughly outlining project objectives, timelines, and deliverables in collaboration with lawyers and other leaders. Establishing clear expectations from the outset sets the stage for successful project management and helps align all parties involved.
  2. Utilize Project Management Tools: We love a few tech tools… or more than a few, actually. They are game-changers. Leverage project management tools and software to streamline workflows, track progress, and allocate resources efficiently. Platforms such as Asana, Trello, or Microsoft Project offer features for organizing tasks, setting deadlines, and facilitating communication among team members. We have a few friends over at Society 54, and they have a business development and marketing goals project management system created exclusively for legal services, and it’s incredible.
  3. Effective Communication Strategies: Develop and maintain open lines of communication with lawyers and your colleagues throughout the project lifecycle. Regularly update them on progress, address any concerns or challenges promptly, and solicit feedback to ensure alignment with expectations and priorities.
  4. Prioritize Tasks and Manage Resources: Prioritize tasks based on urgency, importance, and impact on project outcomes. Allocate resources effectively, considering factors such as skillsets, availability, and workload, to optimize productivity and minimize bottlenecks.
  5. Adaptability and Flexibility: Remain adaptable and flexible in response to changing priorities, deadlines, or unforeseen challenges that may arise during project execution. Anticipate potential risks and develop contingency plans to mitigate disruptions while maintaining a focus on meeting lawyer expectations and delivering high-quality results.

Embracing Failure: Part of the Growth Journey

Listen, nobody is harder on themselves than legal marketers. BUT… what if, instead of spiraling from a perceived failure or setback, we… actually learned from it!?

Great legal marketers comprehend that failure is an inherent part of growth in the dynamic field of marketing. Recognizing that strategies that succeed in one setting might not apply universally, they are willing to challenge the status quo and experiment with new approaches. Understanding that failure is not the end but a stepping stone to improvement, they navigate the fine line between risk-taking and consistently delivering positive results.

Embracing Failure: Part of the Growth Journey

5 Actionable Steps to Embrace Failure from Your Law Firm Marketing Strategy

Here are some actionable ways to stop the spiral and embrace the silver linings and growth opportunities that come from embracing failure.

  1. Shift Mindset Toward Learning: Reframe failure as a learning opportunity rather than a setback. Encourage team members (and yourself) to view failures as valuable experiences that contribute to personal and professional growth, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and resilience. When you start practicing this with others, it becomes much easier to do for yourself. Extending grace is a gift that pays back tenfold.
  2. Promote Experimentation and Innovation: Create a supportive environment that encourages experimentation and innovation in marketing strategies. Empower team members to test new ideas, approaches, and techniques, even if they carry a risk of failure, recognizing that innovation often arises from trial and error. We’re all floating on this giant rock that’s traveling through space. Why do we mention that? To remind you and ourselves that everything we do is a test to be better and that rules, processes, and operations improve by constantly testing the waters.
  3. Conduct Post-Failure Analyses: Following unsuccessful marketing initiatives, conduct thorough analyses to identify root causes, lessons learned, and areas for improvement. Encourage open and honest dialogue among team members to extract valuable insights and apply them to future endeavors. This isn’t the blame game but a collaborative way to improve.
  4. Encourage Risk-Taking with Calculated Measures: Encourage calculated risk-taking by establishing clear parameters and guidelines for experimentation. Encourage team members to assess potential risks and rewards, weigh alternatives, and make informed decisions based on data and insights to minimize adverse impacts. Our best and brightest ideas come from thinking outside of the box.
  5. Celebrate Progress and Effort: Celebrate progress and effort, regardless of the outcome, to foster a positive and supportive work culture. Acknowledge and reward team members for their initiative, creativity, and willingness to take risks, reinforcing the importance of embracing failure as a natural part of the growth journey in legal marketing. Don’t just stand there, pop some bottles!
Celebrate Progress and Effort

In conclusion, thriving at a law firm marketing agency, or global provider of legal services in 2024 requires a unique set of skills and attributes. By embodying resourcefulness, claiming professional space, fostering curiosity, excelling in project management, and embracing failure, legal marketers can navigate the evolving landscape and contribute significantly to the success of their law firms or agencies.

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