Marketing Metrics for Law Firms

Marketing Metrics for Law Firms and 3 Reasons Why They Matter

December 9, 2021

Marketing metrics track progress and performance in an easily quantifiable way and can be the deciding factor in your marketing strategies. Of course, metrics vary from one campaign to another, but the bottom line is that you need them.

Let’s look at just a few reasons why tracking your performance in marketing campaigns is crucial to success.

Marketing Metrics for Law Firms

Campaign strategy and marketing budgets might seem arbitrary, but they really are quite targeted and intentional… and depend on how previous efforts have performed.

Having the correct and thorough data helps support sound decisions and can demonstrate to attorneys (who are often far too busy to hear a lengthy presentation on campaign strategy) why you and your marketing department have built certain strategies. They want to see the hard facts, so give it to them.

Metrics for Your Marketing Career

Your position, salary, and career path depend on whether your marketing efforts are successful and lucrative. Yes, these numbers exist to show what your firm has invested and the ROI they received from your strategies, but those successful strategies and the data that proves your plans were fruitful can be a means to advance your own career.

Let’s face it, sometimes you have to speak up to get the salary you deserve, and hard facts in metrics can be your biggest advocate. These easily tracked numbers tell a story that can help you climb the corporate ladder and allow you to build a bigger department. Use them!

Metrics to Track for Yourself

You’d be hard-pressed to find someone in legal marketing who hasn’t had a day from H-E-double hockey sticks. We’ve all been there, and sometimes it’s not just one single day spent down in the muck and mire.

Want to know a fool-proof way of climbing out of that pit of despair? Look. At. Your. Metrics. Pull out the data from your most successful campaigns and allow them to bring you back to reality.

You are capable and effective – you just might need a reminder of that every once in a while, and the data is there to brush that dirt off of your shoulders (*cues Jay-Z*).

By gaining a black-and-white perspective of how effective your campaigns have been, marketing metrics help marketers like you optimize current campaigns and plan for future campaigns… and plan for personal future success. If you want to know more about why metrics matter or how to move the needle of success in the right direction for future strategies, your digital marketing gurus are here to help. Reach out to us to learn more!

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