
How to Segment Your Email Lists Like a Marketing Master

July 1, 2021

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your successful email campaign; BUT, unlike the Romans, what you build in your segmented lists will continue to grow and prosper, serving you for years to come.

So, where to begin? Remember those client personas we talked about when covering how to identify your audience? That’s exactly where you’ll start.

1. Pull your client personas’ demographics and key information needed to build your segmented lists. It’s important to pull together the categories and characteristics that are the driving forces of your service.

2. Build a Segmentation Map. This map will give you a clear picture of the various types of clients and prospects who are in the market for your service, which will allow you to begin the process of targeted messaging.

If you need to brush up on targeted and tailored messaging, we’ve got you covered.

3. You are now ready to set up automation and test it. Build some internal lists of employees or friends and give it a try. See how it lands, and, more importantly, see how helpful it’ll be in the future when you add contacts and can assign them to the best email messaging with the click of a button! This is the power of automation!

4. Kick off your campaign, and watch those open rates soar. In the eternal words of Ludacris, “roll out!”

I know, we’ve covered quite a bit here, but we want to encourage you to get on those segmented lists ASAP.

Next week, we’ll be recapping our go-to segments for every professional and law firm. We’ll show you exactly the way we slice and dice your client lists for maximum deliverability and targeted messaging.

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