
All-In-One Social Content to Boost Engagement When You’re Short on Time

June 9, 2022

Summer is here, travel is finally opening, and you are booked and busy. You’ve remembered to take care of housekeeping while you’re away, right? You have your auto-reply email turned on. Your plants are being watered by a neighbor. You dropped off your pets to be boarded.

You’re set, right?

Hold on just a moment. You may have thought of every care your personal life and clients may have in your absence, but what about your company, your brand, your social presence? You may be ready to post pics of tropical cocktails in sunny locations on your personal page, but you still have business followers and traction to maintain, even when you’re jet-setting.

And, lest we forget, social media presence directly influences the drive to your website and client conversion. Plus, a constant change in online algorithms means you have to stay consistent in your posting efforts if you want to keep your audience.

So… how can you stay consistent in your social media outreach when you’re on vacation or super pressed for time in this busy summer?

We’ll answer your question with a question. That’s it. Question your audience. You may not have all the time in the world to deeply engage and wax the pain points of why your clients and prospective clients needs you…

So, why not just ask them!? We’ve made it even easier to keep your social media calendar stocked with ready-to-use graphics you can download, too. All you have to do is insert your logo, and you’re ready to go!

Let’s take a look at the benefits of asking questions on social media with examples of inquisitive prompts to get your audience engaged, even if you’re not there to interact.

Lifestyle Questions to Boost Engagement

Asking personal lifestyle questions of your audience on social media is a great way to engage with your audience, capitalize on their own excitement, and engage with them… even if your engagement is over the fact that you’ll be travelling and unable to be present online.

Ask your audience their #1 travel destination or what trips they’ve booked for the summer. You could quickly set this prompt and hit send as the attendants scan your boarding pass, knowing you don’t have to check in on the response for a while. We bet you’ll return to an enthused thread of folks ready to share their upcoming excursions.

Another fun and engaging lifestyle question to get your audience chatting with little forethought from you is about what your followers feel is a dream job.

People love a break from reality, and waxing philosophic about the best career in the world is just plain interesting. This is especially good for leave-it-until-later posts, as you can give your audience the time to respond and return to explain to them why your client work and your firm give you complete satisfaction.

Questions Concerning Gratitude

You don’t have to be current on the news cycles to know just how heavy things in the world are for many people right now. We’re constantly hit with a barrage of bad news, and people welcome those little bits of happiness and humanity wherever they can find it. So, give it to them with a question.

What are you most thankful for this year? What is the most helpful thing anyone has ever done for you? What is a difficult lesson you are glad you learned?

All of these prompts are easy, engaging, and promote positivity. These types of posts have the habit of going viral, too. People love sharing the love. The bonus here is that you can likely tie in any response to promoting your business when you have a moment to respond.

Dig in deep and get some gratitude in return.

Celebration Questions

It seems like there’s a national day of something or other worthy of celebration every single day (that’s not an exaggeration), so quickly Google, find the event or item to be celebrated, and ask your social media audience how they plan to celebrate.

We bet more than a few responses will be exclaiming they had no idea there was a celebration for XYZ, and that’s ok because those are responses and engagement that add numbers to your metrics, and you didn’t even have to think deeply to get them.

Of course, this is also a good reminder to highlight the holidays your firm celebrates and let your social media audience know you will be closed for the day, wish them well in their celebrations, and share a bit about the holidays that mean the most to you and your office.

This type of celebration question prompt works well, too, if you happen to be a philanthropic contributor to various organizations whose celebrations you want to share. It’s ok to let your audience know you’ve donated to a cause in honor of a special day and ask them if they know about the organization or agency you’re supporting.

Asking questions on social media as a quick and easy way to keep up engagement when you’re short on time works wonders, and there are endless ways to incorporate them into your content strategy.

Play around by asking different types of prompts on your varying platforms of use, and see what takes root. The very best part of this strategy that is nearly fool-proof on getting engagement is that is so fast and easy, you could do it while sipping mojitos under palm trees.

If you’re still pressed for time, ideas, and find your regular content calendar lacking, reach out to your favorite digital marketing gurus to perfect your digital presence year-round.

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